Saturday, February 10, 2018

Because we love Science

Busy, busy! We had 5 experts out on Main Street this past Friday night. We had some personal collections to show everyone, including rocks and dinosaurs (because who doesn't love dinosaurs?).

We saw a lot of familiar faces, which is awesome. Apparently we have a fan base now (woo hoo!). We were delighted to answer more questions and hang with you all. We saw a lot of new people as the night progressed. We better enjoy this weather before it starts getting hot again!

We met a guy with a Polaroid camera, and he was nice enough to give us our picture. These exposures aren't cheap!!
Thank you, Kind Sir!
As soon as we wrapped up for the night, Joe and Christina went home and ate a late meal, then got up early the next morning to work with our partners at the Arizona Museum of Natural History for "I Love Science Day" (because really, we love science). We performed a Chemistry Magic Show, using only materials that you can buy at the grocery store! Then we went home and had a nap. We were beat. Science is sometimes a tough love to have.

Maybe it was the exhaustion of a late night and busy morning, but it looked like some folks we met at Science on Main were also at "I Love Science Day" :-) Thank you so much for supporting our partner organization!

We think it's really important for science to be accessible to everyone, which is why we work with "2nd Friday Night Out" so that anyone can talk to us for free. No admission required. The AzMNH loans us some materials (and some experts) to help us keep Science on Main free to the public. We really appreciate their help and support, and they love having new guests at the museum!

The AzMNH also believes in science for everyone, so they host a Free Sunday every 3 months, with extended hours! A little shameless advertising on their behalf, the next Free Sunday is on March 4, 2018 from 12-5p. No admission required, but you'll want to arrive early!

Can't wait to see you again in March! Thank you!